Ariston Psychometrics is a software house providing turnkey solutions, training, support and consultancy for information technology projects and related services. It was established in 1991. The ARISTON psychometric series is supported by over 700 Trained Representatives all over the world, offering services to small and large organisations, including COCA-COLA, VOLVO, European Investment Bank, Athens University, Cyprus University, Athens College, Hellenic Electricity Board, Hellenic Petroleum, Cyprus Ministry Of Education, etc. Ariston Psychometrics has close links and collaborate with major private and public sector organisations and educational institutes and has taken part in research & development projects funded by the European Union (e.g. programme STRIDE, PETRA I & II)
Ariston Psychometrics is well equipped with UNIX workstations, PC and LAPTOP, state of the art LAN, running several development software including relational database management systems. Most of the software development takes place using 4th generation languages.